What: It is time for our quarterly women’s gathering. The first event was Come as your Hot Mess, then, Come as Your Bad Ass and our last portal was, Come as Your Wild Woman. These portals have been deep dives into our bodies and souls. Each one holding a unique frequency but always in service to our remembrance. We have fun, deepened into the magic of the feminine and open to incredible healing.
We move now into the season of the setting sun and with this gathering you are invited to Come in Your Earthly Body. For this one day retreat, I envision deep nourishment. This gathering feels smooth, soft and hardy. As we move into the Autumn season, we begin to downshift, and prepare for the long winter of deep soil work.
Before going into the cave of winter we are asked to nourish and fill up. We are asked to gather what we need to sustain us through the dark of the solar decent.
Come in Your Earthly Body Day Retreat will be a day of learning natural organic and nourishing rituals for our bodies (bodies includes our whole self). We will spend the day nourishing our senses and gathering the medicine we need to sustain us through the winter months.
- Mindful eating
- Body Movement
- Forest Bathing
- Meditation
- Herbal Play
You are invited to slow down and open to the sacred season of autumn? You are invited to steep in the sunset energy and fill up with nourishing goodness.
This portal requires supplies and meal preparations therefore, registration ends September 23, 2024 EOD.
This portal is open to 20 women.